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Weston Favell Academy

Y6-Y7 Transition

Year 6 into Year 7 Transition

Welcome from Mr Johnson

Welcome Year 7, we are very much looking forward to meeting you over the next few weeks as you begin your transition from primary to secondary school. 

Moving up to secondary school is an important step in your lives, and we are experts in making it an enjoyable, exciting and memorable time.  You might be excited about all the wonderful facilitates we have such as the swimming pool, science labs or 3D printers.  You may be looking forward to making new friends, trying new activities and learning new subjects, but it is also quite natural to be anxious about finding your way around or making new friends for example.  We will give you plenty of time to settle when you join us because we know you learn best when you feel secure and happy.  The year 7 team are experts at helping Year 7 students settle and become confident happy members of our school community. 

The team at Weston Favell Academy strive to make sure that every child excels during their first year at WFA, and we will do our utmost to make the experience as positive and memorable as possible.  Not only will the beginning of Year 7 be a very exciting new adventure, albeit a little daunting, but it will also be a ‘fresh start’ and a chance for you to make a positive first impression within the WFA family. 

Supportive Form Tutors will endeavour to make you feel safe as you establish new friendship groups across the year group.  They will explain all about the extensive range of extra-curricular clubs, activities and events available over the course of the year.  The pastoral team will also nurture you and be on hand to resolve any issues or problems that may arise during this very important time. 

The Academy will be contacting your primary school over the coming weeks to ensure a smooth transition to Weston Favell Academy. 

I have high expectations of you and challenge you to be the best year group in the school. This includes attendance, behaviour for learning and all aspects of progress.  

I look forward to meeting every one of you very soon.


Transition days and evenings 

Monday 8th July and Tuesday 9th July

Monday – Pupils to arrive at 9am in their PE kits. They will have been told by the primary school which colour zone to go to.

Tuesday –  Pupils to arrive at 9am in their school uniform but wearing a white shirt, as we have the school photographer ready to take their photo.
Meet your child’s tutor evening – this will happen on Tuesday and will commence at 6pm in the main hall. A talk from the senior leadership team and then time spent with your child’s form tutor.

During the evening from 5.30pm, there will be opportunities to try on school uniform for sizing.

Both days we will finish the day at 2.45pm.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch at if you have any questions.  Please see Frequently Asked Questions to see the responses to questions that your son/daughter may have or be concerned about.  


We believe that wearing our distinctive uniform gives our pupils a sense of 'belonging', helps foster pride in themselves and the academy and removes issues arising from peer pressure or inequity.

All pupils are expected to wear the full uniform correctly and we would urge you to read the details carefully.  Elements of our uniform are widely available and inexpensive, but items such as the academy tie, jumper, blazer and PE top will need to be specially ordered.

Click here to follow the link for full details of the academy uniform and how to order from our suppliers, Nationwide School Uniforms.  



We know that high levels of attendance are a vital component for successful learning and we pride ourselves on striving to achieve the highest levels of attendance at Weston Favell Academy.  

Please read the academy's guidance on attendance.



Where possible, we hope your child will walk, ride a bike or take public transport.  If parent's preferred choice is to bring their child by car, the roads near the academy can become very busy and congested at the start and end of the school day so please drive carefully, park sensibly (and with respect to our neighbours) and be thoughtful to others.  


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